Friday, April 24, 2009

Why I am getting a pet lizard

I am a 6 year old boy, and I have wanted a lizard for probably 6 years. I like lizards because they are green and because they can wrap their tails around stuff. They also remind me of frogs because some of them have long tongues like frogs and some of them eat insects. And some eat salads too!

A while ago, I said to my Mom and Dad, "I have wanted a lizard for a LOOOONG time, how can I earn one?" So they said "if you can earn it over the next two months, you will get a lizard." That made me very very happy. I was shouting about it! "I'm gonna get a lizard!" Now, I tell everyone I meet that I am getting a pet lizard.

My mom took me to the library, and we got about 15 books on lizards. My dad reads them to me every morning.

This is my favorite book about lizards, it is called "The Best Pet Lizards"

This book says the best pet lizards for a beginner like me is a Leopard Gecko. That is because it is does not bite and easy to handle. But the problem with the Leopard Gecko is nocturnal and they hide all day. I want a lizard that I can watch during the day.

I think Leopard Gecko's are cool, they have lots of stripes and smiley mouths.

But the lizard I want is a Bearded Dragon. It is also a good pet lizard for beginners. And Bearded Dragon's are awake all day.

This is what a Bearded Dragon looks like:

This is a Bearded Dragon's Claws:

(from B.E.N.)

And here is a cool video I found:

Thanks for reading!


  1. Hi,

    We have just added your latest post "My Pet Lizard: Why I am getting a pet lizard" to our Directory of Pets . You can check the inclusion of the post here . We are delighted to invite you to submit all your future posts to the directory and get a huge base of visitors to your website.

    Warm Regards Team

  2. I love this blog. Its so cool I can relate to it because, I am going to get a bearded dragon after Christmas. I am so exited!!! I have done so much research on them that I cant find anything new to learn.
    I have three brothers. A couple years ago my middle brother who is 9 got a leopard gecko he is the smartest kid when it comes to reptiles. You are right they do hide all day. But if you get them as baby's they will still hide out, but they're nice and tame if you do take them out in the day too.

    What kind of awesomely cool bearded dragon are you going to get? Keep posting and let me know how well your bearded dragon is doing.


    P.S. Are you going to get a baby or an adult?
