Saturday, April 25, 2009

How Lizards can do stuff

Did you know some chameleons can wrap their tales around stuff? A lot of people have them, not as many as other kinds of lizards. They are not good for beginner lizard owners - seriously.

A Leopard Gecko can let go of it's tail if you pull on it. But it hurts them a lot. Would you like someone to pull your finger off? That's how it feels.

You should never use a heat rock on Bearded Dragons. They can only feel heat from above. So they can't feel if their tummy gets burned.

Here is another cool video of a Bearded Dragon:

Friday, April 24, 2009

Why I am getting a pet lizard

I am a 6 year old boy, and I have wanted a lizard for probably 6 years. I like lizards because they are green and because they can wrap their tails around stuff. They also remind me of frogs because some of them have long tongues like frogs and some of them eat insects. And some eat salads too!

A while ago, I said to my Mom and Dad, "I have wanted a lizard for a LOOOONG time, how can I earn one?" So they said "if you can earn it over the next two months, you will get a lizard." That made me very very happy. I was shouting about it! "I'm gonna get a lizard!" Now, I tell everyone I meet that I am getting a pet lizard.

My mom took me to the library, and we got about 15 books on lizards. My dad reads them to me every morning.

This is my favorite book about lizards, it is called "The Best Pet Lizards"

This book says the best pet lizards for a beginner like me is a Leopard Gecko. That is because it is does not bite and easy to handle. But the problem with the Leopard Gecko is nocturnal and they hide all day. I want a lizard that I can watch during the day.

I think Leopard Gecko's are cool, they have lots of stripes and smiley mouths.

But the lizard I want is a Bearded Dragon. It is also a good pet lizard for beginners. And Bearded Dragon's are awake all day.

This is what a Bearded Dragon looks like:

This is a Bearded Dragon's Claws:

(from B.E.N.)

And here is a cool video I found:

Thanks for reading!